Base 2 - The Starfish
My name is Miss Bowler and I teach in Base 2, along with my T.A’s, Mrs Thomson and Mrs Whitehouse.
Our P.E. day is on a Thursday. Please make sure you send your children with a labelled P.E. kit to avoid loss of property. P.E. kits can be brought to school on a Monday morning and sent home after school on a Friday.
Homework is given to the children each week and should be returned no later than the following Thursday.
Each child has a reading diary to be used by home and school. Please record any reading your child does in this diary. We have a ‘Reading at Home’ reward scheme in place that rewards children who read at least four times a week.
If you have any queries please feel free to come and speak to us or write a message in your child’s communication diary and give it to us in the morning.
Value of the Season
The value we will be exploring this month is Hope.
We also give a raffle ticket to those showing respect around school. Raffle tickets are put into a Tombola for a prize to be drawn at the end of term.
Term Theme
Our theme for Spring Term is Superheroes.
In literacy, we read lots of interesting books such as Little Red Riding Hood and Each Peach Pear Plum. We are going to be learning to write some words. We will use our phonics knowledge to help segment words and begin to write down the sounds that we hear. We are using these words in sentences using finger spaces and capital letters. We are exploring the conjunction 'and' to expand our sentences.
In reading, we are going to begin to segment some simple words and blend them back together. We are working on the pace of our reading and answering questions about what we have read to check we understand.
In maths, we are using the part/whole model to secure our understanding of addition and subtraction. We are also using games such as Hit the Button to check we know our number bonds to 10 to also use for addition and subtraction.