Base 9 - The Sharks
Welcome to Base 9’s webpage.
Mr Hale would like to welcome you to our class home page. Here you will be able to find out about what we have been learning and planned future activities. You will be able to view homework activities for the week along with the spelling and times tables focus.
In Base 9 we view learning as a journey and along the way it might be tricky, but we are learning to view problems as a challenge to be conquered rather than an obstacle in our path.
We hope you visit our webpage regularly for updates on how we are growing as learners and to see some of the fun learning opportunities that we have been taking part in.
Value of the season
Our value of the Month for February is Hope. We will be looking for ways we can show hope and why it's important to have hope and set goals. In class, we will be thinking about how we set goals and achieve them
This term our topic in geography is focused around climate change.
Throughout this topic, the children will focus on answering the big question ' How does climate change effect the polar regions. We will be learning about what the climate in the polar regions is like and how plants, animals and humans have adapted to life in the polar regions. We will be learning about the Arctic and Antartica looking at the similarities and differences in these hostile and ever changing environments
Our love to read book in spring 2 is the Shark Caller. The children have expressed their excitement to read this book. Each day we will read a quality picture book in our reading for pleasure sessions, which all children look forward to at the end of the day.
In Science during spring one, Base 9 have learnt all about classification of plants and animals. We have looked at how Biologists use classification to make links in both the plant and animal kingdoms. In Spring two, we will be building on our knowledge of classification to learn about evolution and inheritance. We will be looking at famous biologists, such as Charles Darwin and how research as moulded modern day thinking.
In art, this term we have been learning about Piet Mondrian. He was an influential figure and was one of the pioneers of 20th-century abstract art, as he changed his artistic direction from figurative painting to an increasingly abstract style, until he reached a point where his artistic vocabulary was reduced to simple geometric elements.
Here are some of our examples of art inspired by his work:
Pictures inspired by his early work
Examples of our work inspired by his later work using chalk pastels and Charcoal.
Safer Internet day
As part of safer internet day , Base 9 produced posters around the theme - too good to be true
We looked at the acronym - Scam and reflected on what it meant in terms of staying safe online.
Here is an example of our posters - Read it and remember to stay safe and beat the scammers!