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Base 6 - The Swordfish

Welcome to Base 6’s page!

My name is Mr Holloway (class teacher) and I am teaching in my first year at Teagues Bridge Primary School. I have been teaching for 13 years and thoroughly enjoy the fact that each new day is never the same. 

In Base 6, we always try our best, respect each other and strive to achieve new goals in school. We often talk about kindness, respect and resilience in Base 6, and how we can work together to achieve our targets across the curriculum. Children are always encouraged to be creative and really explore their passions and talents.

On the website you will be able to access information regarding our weekly homework, which focuses on times tables, spellings and topics we will be studying. You will also find information about our 'Value of the Month' and current topics. 

Reading is a huge focus at Teagues Bridge and we encourage the children to be reading at least 5 times a week. When a child reads, please record this in their reading diary, which should be in school everyday. I will be checking reading diaries every Monday.

PE kits should be brought to school on Monday and taken home on Friday. PE will take place on Thursday PM and Friday AM. Please ensure all P.E. kits and uniform are clearly labelled to avoid misplacing them.

We hope that this information has been helpful, but if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Mr Holloway 

Value of the Month

The Value of the Month is Acceptance. Base 6 will be developing their understanding of acceptance and the importance of being respectful of others. Within class we will be discussing the importance of acceptance and the importance of respectful acts within school. Every month we will have a values champion who will be announced by Mrs Abdulla in assembly.

Term Theme

This term’s theme: 'The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain'

In this topic we are focusing on History. We will begin the topic with our memorable experience where the children will use clay to create their very own Roman shields. As part of this topic, the children will be learning about what the Romans brought to Britain and what is still used today, how the Roman army became such a powerful force across the globe and the impact Boudicca and the Celts had on the Roman Empire.

Curriculum Offer

View our Curriculum Offer Part 1 PDF document

View our Curriculum Offer Part 2 PDF document

Miss R Stevens

This Week's Homework

Each child will be provided with their homework every Friday, which will consist of activities that consolidates the learning that has taken place in class that week. In addition to work handed out, children should also access times table rockstars to enhance their recall.

They should also read 4/5 times per week at home - this can be a book of their choice to develop individual reading for enjoyment. 


This Week's handwriting 

Our weekly handwriting words are taken from the year 3/4 common exception words. 

Please practice daily to ensure you know how to spell the words, and also take your time with your joins. 

Words that are explored through our 'Word Aware' sessions will also be sent home for you to learn. We call these 'Fridge Words'. Just stick them on your fridge and discuss them with members of your family.