Information for Parents
At Teagues Bridge Primary, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and well-being of our pupils and staff. We know that everyone experiences challenge in their lives at some point or another. This can make us vulnerable and anyone of us may need additional emotional or mental support to overcome testing times. Mental health can affect you and the first step is to talk to someone. Everyone has experienced such difficult times over the past year and you are not alone
Please view our Mental Health and Well-being Information for Parents leaflet for more information
The links below are to useful websites:
Help with Anxiety
Young minds - supporting children with anxiety
Coping Cat Parents - types of anxiety
Counselling Directory - Resources
Self Esteem
Young Minds - self esteem
Low mood and depression
Young minds - low mood and depression
NSPCC - anxiety
Mentally healthy schools - low mood and depression
The children's society - low mood