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Base 8 - The Octopuses

Welcome to Base 8’s webpage.

In Base 8 the class teacher is Miss Goring, accompanied by Miss Tibbetts  who is our wonderful teaching assistant.

The purpose of this page is to provide you with an insight with regards to what we have been learning and planned future activities. Additionally, you will be able to view homework activities for the week along with the spelling and times tables focus.

In Base 8 we view learning as a journey and along the way it might be tricky, but we are learning to view problems as a challenge to be conquered rather than an obstacle in our path. We are proud to promote an inclusive classroom environment whereby differences are celebrated. Furthermore, a safe and secure learning environment is ensured at all times.

We hope you visit our webpage regularly for updates on how we are growing as learners and to see some of the fun learning opportunities that we have been taking part in.

Value of the Month

Our value of the month is equality and patience. Children will explore what this means through assemblies and topical questions. Tokens are given to children who demonstrate equality and patience around school and then one name will be drawn to be our values champion of the month.

We are also exploring the country of Egypt as part of our Flag of the Month whereby we will be exploring and retelling a traditional Egyptian tale.

Term Theme

During the first half of the spring term we will be focusing on the geographical topic 'Trade and Economics'.  Let’s explore the countries and continents of the world and develop a clear conceptual understanding of key features such as the Northern and Southern hemispheres and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. We will learn about various geographical aspects, developing an understanding of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals, and water. As we learn about the world beneath our feet, we will use a range of geographical sources to support our knowledge and understanding such as maps, atlases, globes, and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features.

As part of our Love to Read sessions, we will be reading ‘The Boreal Forest’ by L.E Carmichael.  This is an exciting, fun read and we can’t wait to read it.  In addition to our Love to Read sessions, we will be enjoying our reading for pleasure sessions where we can enjoy reading quality picture books.  Reading is at the heart of everything – we l0ve reading!

Curriculum Offer

View our Curriculum Offer Part 1 PDF document

View our Curriculum Offer Part 2 PDF document

Miss G Goring

This Week's Homework

All homework will be provided within the child’s homework booklet. This will link to our learning for the week and the past week so that children have the opportunity to revisit their knowledge and embed this into their long term memory.

Please note that it is important to encourage your children to be prioritising homework. It is important that homework is completed in full and on time. Not only is it crucial that learning is     consolidated in support of academic progression, but it will also support the children as they progress onto secondary school. Homework club will be available during a Thursday break time with Miss Goring for those children who are struggling to complete their homework.

Weekly homework expectations include: reading (at least 4 times per week), Times Tables Rockstar's, Fridge Words and Handwriting/spelling practise. 

Reading- Reading should be recorded within the children's reading records, these are then checked weekly by Miss Goring/Miss Tibbetts and a record is made of children who are not consistently reading at home. Please endeavour to read with your child daily where possible, however, this should take place at least four times per week as a minimum requirement.

TTRS- The children should aim to practise on TTRS regularly. This Weeks TTRS focus is developing fluency and speed on the 3 times tables and squared times tables. All logins for TTRS have been issued, however, if misplaced, please see Miss Goring or Miss Tibbetts at the earliest possible opportunity to have the login re-issued. 

Fridge Words- The children have been learning these new words in school during their 'Word Aware' lessons this week. Please put this sheet on the fridge to remind your child which words they have been learning. Talk to him/her about the words. Talk about the words rather than ask questions. Can you tell your child what the words mean? Can your child use these words in a sentence? 

This weeks fridge words include: retreat, diversity, species, vital and adaptation. 

Handwriting/Spellings- A worksheet has been provided within the children's homework books to support their handwriting/spelling practise. The words have been taken from the year 5/6 common exception word list. 

This weeks words include: average, ancient, accommodate, achieve, aggressive, according, amateur, apparent, appreciate, awkward.