Base 4 - The Dolphins
In our year two class we have Mrs Muir, our class teacher, and Mrs Salter, our teaching assistant.
Each child has a reading diary to record any reading they do, either in school or at home. It is important that children bring their reading diary to school every day so that reading in school can be logged. Children can record any books they read at home, not just their school reading books.
Our usual P.E sessions take place on Mondays and Fridays but P.E. kits can remain in school all week and will be sent home on Friday. Please ensure all P.E. kits and uniforms are clearly labelled to avoid misplacing them.
Value of the season
Value of the season is Hope. In Base 4 we are going to be developing an understanding of what this means and importance of this value.
This term's focus...
This term, our focus in Geography is Seas and Oceans where children will be learning how the world is made up of continents and oceans, along with the countries and capital cities that make up the UK. We will also learn how to identify the human and physical features within the UK and look closely at the coastal areas to identify their features and then compare these to the coastal areas in Egypt!
This term, our focus in Science is Plants. We will be investigating what a plant is, how they grow and how they survive through experimentation, observation and recording. At the end of term, the children will bring their own plants home to show what they've learnt in Science and hopefully be able to keep their plants thriving!