Seahorses Class
Hello and welcome to the Seahorses homepage!
Our class teacher is Mrs Wood and the wonderful teaching assistant is Mrs Jones.
In Seahorses, independence and understanding go hand in hand – we embrace mistakes and really begin to learn from them as “the expert in anything was once a beginner”. The children are encouraged to find themselves, their creativity and their love for learning.
The aim of our page is to give you an insight into what we are learning about in class each theme along with suggestions of how you can support your child at home. You will be able to access information regarding; weekly homework and topics we are studying in class at the moment.
I hope you find this information useful, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of the Seahorses team or email Mrs Wood at
This term's focus...
This term, our focus in Geography is Seas and Oceans where children will be learning how the world is made up of continents and oceans, along with the countries and capital cities that make up the UK. We will also learn how to identify the human and physical features within the UK and look closely at the coastal areas to identify their features and then compare these to the coastal areas in Egypt!
This term, our focus in Science is Plants. We will be investigating what a plant is, how they grow and how they survive through experimentation, observation and recording. At the end of term, the children will bring their own plants home to show what they've learnt in Science and hopefully be able to keep their plants thriving!
Value of the Season...
The Value of the Seasons this month is ‘Hope’.
Children will be understanding what the word means and the importance this value holds in school and community life. Children will be earning tokens and working towards becoming the Values Champion for the class and accept an award from Mrs Abdulla in assembly.