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Seahorses Class

Hello I am Mrs Mackenzie and I welcome everyone to Seahorses Class’s page! The Teaching Assistants in class are Mrs Jones and Miss Pritchard.  We believe that learning should always be fun and engaging and we ensure that all lessons are accessible for all children. Seahorses Class is full of smiles and laughter so come and join us here to see what we have been learning about during the theme this term.

Each week your child will receive a new reading book which is appropriate for their reading level.  We will also be using bug club. Please remind your child to bring in their reading diary every Friday because I will read with the children on a weekly basis and children will be using bug club while in school. We also check the reading diaries to make sure your child is reading three times a week at home.

Please ensure that the children bring their PE kits in every Monday and take them home every Friday so they are able to be ready for the following week. Please clearly label all of the children’s PE kit to stop any confusion.

In Seahorses Class, P.E is on a Thursday afternoon.

If at any time, you need to contact me please write a note in the communication diary or email on the base log in: base3.teaguesbridge@taw.org.uk

Value of the Month

The Value of the Month this month is ‘Courage’.

Children will be understanding what the word means and the importance this value holds in school and community life. Children will be earning tokens and working towards becoming the Values Champion for the class and accept an award from Mrs Abdulla in assembly.


Term Theme

Our focus this term is History. Children will be learning about Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus. Pupils will be learning about the explorers and what they did to become significant people in history. Pupils will learn about Christopher Columbus' voyage to China where he discovered America. Children will be deciding whether he was a villain or a hero. They will then move on to learn about Neil Armstrong. They will learn about Neil's mission to the moon and all about the moon landing. Lastly they will compare the explorers. 

In literacy, this term the pupils will be reading the story 'The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch'. They will be re-writing the narrative with a focus on capital letters for names (first and last names) and adverbs. They will then write their own version of the story where they will change the characters and adapt the problem in the story to find their own resolution. After they have learnt about the 'Lighthouse Keepers Lunch' pupils will read the story 'Meerkat Mail' which is a story about a Meerkat who goes on an adventure and writes postcards home to his family. Pupils will be focusing on capital letters for days of the week as well as spelling them accurately. We will also review previous learning about the suffixes 'er' and 'est' for comparative purposes. 

In Maths pupils will have a focus on multiplication and division initially. Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s before moving on to counting in 3s. Pupils will then apply this to multiplication and understand the inverse between multiplication and division, as well as the relationship between doubling and halving. They will then be exploring and learning about statistics with a focus on recording data with bar graphs and tally charts. Pupils will create their own tally charts and bar charts. 

The science focus in Base 3 this term is plants. Pupils have planted some cress seeds which have grown incredibly well and have also planted a sunflower. They are currently tracking the progress and growth of their sunflower before they will be sent home. Pupils have learnt the parts of a plant and a tree and explored the words deciduous and evergreen. Pupils have sorted trees into deciduous and evergreen by the size of their leaves, understand that deciduous trees will lose their leaves where the evergreen will not. 

Pupils will be conducting an experiment over the next few weeks to understand how a plant grows best. 


Parent Workshops

We have started to use Bug Club in school. To access bug club, please use the website below or type bug club into google and click the web link for active learn.

Bug Club

Your child will have books to read. There are little bugs along the way which ask your child comprehension questions about what they have read and will be displayed in a variety of ways.

Homework will also be set using purple mash computing resource. All children will have a log in in their reading diary. This will give them access to the homework they need to complete – this is spellings and times tables focus for this half term.

Times Tables Rock Stars 

Your child will be given a log in for Times Tables Rock Stars, this is for your child to recall number facts and times tables. This supports their number knowledge and fluency to make them mathematicians as they go through school.

Mrs S Mackenzie

This Week's Homework

Every Friday the children will be set homework. 

Homework will include children being sent red words home to read and write, a maths worksheet based on their maths learning in school and fridge words from our vocabulary lessons in school. Homework will always be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned to school for the following Wednesday.

This Week's Spellings

Every week your child will be set words to read and write. These are the words your child needs to be able to read and write by the end of the year. 

Times Tables

This half term the children will be working on their 5 times tables and 2 times table and understanding the fact family relationship between multiplication and division.

Pupils will now have a log in for Numbots which supports instant recall of number facts and times tables.